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What's New in VarTran 3.2
- In converting equations pasted from EXCEL, absolute addresses where not handled correctly. Now, both absolute and relative addresses are correctly converted.
- For complex models and a large number of variables, worst-case and process tolerance might be calculated narrower than they actually are. In addition, the results could vary each time recalculated. The optimizations routines have been improved to provide more correct and consistent results for problems including over 200 variables.
- When performing simulations for outputs with process-case tolerances, the worst-case percent defective and derived worst-case Z-score and sigma level might be in error. Now the correct values are displayed.
NEW IN 3.2
- Inequality constraints can now be specified when entering an equation for an output variable or objective function that allow constrained optimizations to be performed.
- When closing a locked window, the user is warned the associated copy of the I/O system will be deleted and prompted to confirm.3.2
The most significant change is that you can now simultaneously view multiple versions of the design at the same time and revert back to previous versions of the design using the new controls added to the Capability Study, Pareto Chart and Summary Tables windows.
- Rearranged controls for entering tolerance for clarity.
- Added tab to display drawing symbol associated with specified tolerance.
- Added tab to display associated statistics including Cp, Cpk, Cc, z-score and sigma level. Now all the information displayed about an output variable in the capability study window is also displayed for each input variable.
Added two buttons for automatically setting Standard Deviation and Window for Average edit boxes to specific values of Cp, CV, Cc, and to Six Sigma. - Can specify precision for displaying results.
- Added button to display equations derived for average and standard deviation.
- Added button to display a dialog box for converting equations from other software packages. Automatically creates inputs. Currently, JMP, EXCEL, Mathematica, Minitab and Statgraphics are supported.
- Added button to provide calculator type keypad for entering the equation.
- Added checkbox allowing output to be excluded from optimizations including all outputs.
- Can specify precision for displaying results.
- Added button to display a dialog box for converting equations from other software packages. Automatically creates inputs. Currently, JMP, EXCEL, Mathematica, Minitab and Statgraphics are supported.
- Added button to provide calculator type keypad for entering the equation.
- Can specify precision for displaying results.
- Duplicate Variable menu item added to Variables menu.
- Added Lock All Unlocked Windows menu item to Analysis menu.
- Removed Select Analysis Output menu item from Analysis menu and toolbar. Instead added drop-down menus for Capability Study, Pareto and Effects Table buttons and menu items.
- Added numerous Modify All Tolerances menu items to Variables Menu.
- Added Update Equations When Symbols Change menu item to Options menu. When checked and a symbol changes, references to this symbol in equations are automatically updated as well.
- Combined Input and Output Summary Tables windows into a Single Summary Table Window.
- Changed Tolerances tabs for inputs and outputs to be consistent.
- Combined Simulation Output tab with Tolerances – Output Tab. Displays additional information regarding simulation.
- Added ability to lock window so does not update. This saves a copy of the I/O System as it was when the window was locked.
- Added ability to restore I/O System to state that existed when the window was locked.
- Added Z-Scores and Sigma levels.
- Added on-target values for process tolerances.
- Added tab to display results obtained by simulation for statistical and process tolerances, including histograms.
- Added tab to display values of inputs resulting in worst-case conditions for worst-case and process tolerances.
- Added ability to lock window so does not update. This saves a copy of the I/O System as it was when the window was locked.
- Added ability to restore I/O System to state that existed when the window was locked.
- Changed the previous graphic to clarify that it displays percent reduction.
- Added tab to display transmitted variation and total variation.
- Added tab to show a plot of the effect of tightening input tolerance.
- Added ability to lock window so does not update. This saves a copy of the I/O System as it was when the window was locked.
- Added ability to restore I/O System to state that existed when the window was locked.
- Added relative distance inside spec for optimizing multiple outputs. Can be used for all types of tolerances whereas minimum Cpk and Total Percent Defective can only be used for statistical and process tolerances.
- Added options to remove trials where inputs are outside their tolerances.
BUG FIXES – Version 3.1 fixes all known bugs in version 2.1.1 and any limited release versions (3.0 and 3.01).
- Update to 32-bit program so will run on Windows 95/98/2000/XP/NT/Me